Have you ever bought something, did a renovation, or chose a name for something or someone, and were like SO happy with it!? You knew it was special and beautiful and SuPeR uNiQuE!!
Later, you're on the phone with a friend and they tell you their coworker just had a baby- with YOUR KID'S NAME?! You walk out of the store, only to be pass 3 of YOUR new car on the way to yours- #4.
Whether it's a name, a car, an outfit, or wallpaper: when it becomes yours or a part of your life, we often experience "frequency bias phenomenon". We suddenly notice the same model of car that has been driving our route for months. You got some high-waisted trousers, and suddenly the whole office has them. Truth is, they've likely been there a while, we just have a heightened awareness.
I shared some common examples of FBP, but can you think of any others? You start Keto- the world's doing it. You change your hair, and your friend circle became an episode of extreme makeover. You post a gym selfie, and see 14 progress of pics from friends who #lovefitness. (no hate, I just joined a gym-- I #lovefitness) But even if you came up with some other ones I didn't mention, it made me sad when I started thinking about some other forms of FBP.
I often post about church, Jesus, salvation, plus some random funny stuff I see online. But aside from my church friends, I don't see my "worldly" friends sharing, shoot- even LIKING- my faith-based posts.
*disclaimer* I'm not judging or calling out anyone based on their relationship with God-- THAT is between you and The Big Guy- or your taste in posts to like. I'm simply making an observation that obscure animal videos get wayyyy more likes than the stuff that's convicting.
BACK TO IT! Anyway, it got me thinking how UN-frequent that phenomenon is: posting/sharing faith-based things, and then seeing them everywhere. I know that reels and memes aren't going to make someone stop a mindless scroll dead in their tracks and convict them that they're a sinner in need of repentance. Yes, God COULD do that- but what I'm saying is that if we want to increase the FBP (frequency bias phenomenon) of people sharing Jesus and the Gospel, we're going to have to get creative. We're going to have to be bold. We're going to have to be obedient.
We aren't "selling" Jesus. We're living a life that reflects Him in our hearts so obviously, people can't help but wonder "what's different?".