05 Jun
See vs ID

Have you ever passed by something routinely? Example: You drive the SAME ROUTE to ___ every day; twice. You flow through the aisles in the grocery store in the same pattern every time. You pass the same offices each trip to the bathroom. 

So, you're driving that drive, shopping that aisle, or passing that office for weeks, months, years, and all of a sudden you notice something you've never seen before?! You've literally taken that path loads of times, how are you JUST NOW seeing this?!

Who knows- maybe your head was leaning a little more to that one side, you were mid sneeze, or someone was stopped in the aisle. Either way, your senses picked up something and now you can't "unsee it". You may not pay much attention to it moving forward, but you know it's there.

What's that thing for you!? For me it is usually some cute little business or house tucked just off the road. But as cool as it is to find a new favorite coffee shop or ice cream place, it's even cooler to watch God take your vision- um.... let's just say "up a notch". 

Flowers, happy or grumpy people, those things are a little more obvious things that we can miss along the way. What I'm actually referring to "seeing" is both obvious and not-so-obvious, easy-to-see while also easy-to-overlook. And even when we do see or notice them; we don't always pay them much mind.

It's our behaviors, choices and actions. We can see others doing something and it's real easy to identify that that isn't the best choice. (My last blog post talks about how easy it is to make decisions when you're on the outside looking in.) We can see others behaving poorly or not really acting like a Christian and scoff(identify) because "we know better!" Right..... 

Listen- Luke didn't give us 6:42 because we wouldn't need it,he gave us those red letters because that is our human nature to our own lawyer and someone else's judge. 

Hopefully you can read this without getting defensive- because that's ultimately what this whole thing is about. <oh the irony> Also, I've got a giant red wood in my eye, so no judgement here!

We see, see, see the things others are falling short in, and we can pretty quickly identify what they should do (or not do) to remedy the situation. If you're anything like me, you probably read that and were like, "ok, sure yea, but I am also super hard on myself!! So this doesn't apply."

I'm harder on myself too, but that just means we see the things we are falling short in. If we are able to identify those things, a plan would be formulated, actionable steps would be taken, and we would be trying to better ourselves and get closer to God and what it is He wants for us. 

So I ask you friend, are you seeing the log, or have you identified it and are going to partner with the Man Upstairs and do something about it?

If you're able to see and ID the "logs" in your eye, but aren't doing anything about them, you may be in denial, or just wanting to avoid it altogether. The more you live in denial/avoidance, the more sadness, feelings and acts of isolation, and anxiety kick in. None of those things check boxes in the "What God wants for me" column, by the way. So, maybe it's actually better to see the log, identify it so we can take actionable steps that align with scripture to remove it and see with eyes that see!

If I'm being honest, sometimes I get into a season of identification. I see all of the shortcomings, I identify them and move towards correcting them. BUT. But when I go into it with an "I-can-do-this-on-my-own-until-it-gets-a-little-heavier-and-then-I'll-ask-God-to-help-out" attitude, that identifying is actually slippery, slimy, pride creeping in and down the rabbit hole I go. 

It's usually when I've fallen to the valley, God mercifully pulls me up out of it and helps me identify how WE (yeah- ok, HE) is going to make a way. We've all heard "seeing is believing", but I'd like to use the "notched up" vision God gives us to counter that, and say "to see is to ID, and to ID is to see God moving in your heart, your life, your soul."

This post got added late. So if you're reading before bed, I would challenge you to ask God to point out areas that, with His help, you can book an appt. with the best known surgeon known to man, and have that log removed, and your vision- maybe even more- restored.   

You are the ONE He left the 99 for. Even if you have a long list like me of things to identify, remember your IDENTITY is in Christ alone.

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